Terms & Conditions

Our Commitment

ADRA Canada is committed to protecting the privacy of its donors, supporters, employees, and other stakeholders.  For more information on ADRA’s privacy policies, please see our Privacy and Security Statement.

Your donation is symbolic and represents a contribution to the entire mission of ADRA. At least 90 percent of any designated gift will directly support Board-approved work in that area. When any need or project goal has been met, extra funds will be used in areas of greatest need.

Terms of Use

The content and data found on this Web site, including images, are property of ADRA Canada and may not be redistributed, copied, or modified, without express written permission.  If you would like to publish information that you find on our Web site, please send your request to Where text or images are posted on our site with the permission of the original copyright holder, a copyright statement appears on the page.

Throughout our Web pages, we provide links to other servers which may contain information of interest to our readers. We take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on other servers. Creating a text link from your Web site to our site does not require permission.

From time to time, the information displayed on ADRA Canada Web sites may be incorrect or incomplete.  By using this site you agree to hold harmless ADRA Canada for any damages resulting from these errors or omissions.

Contacting ADRA Canada Regarding Web Site Operations

If you have any questions about the practices of this site, please contact ADRA Canada

By Email:

By Mail:

ADRA Canada
20 Robert St. W.
Newcastle, Ontario  L1B 1C6

By Phone: +1 (888) 274-ADRA (2372)