This month, we received testimonials from several women in Ukraine. ADRA’s LEAP (Lifesaving Evacuation, Assistance and Protection) project has been addressing some of the longer-term effects of the war, especially when it comes to mental health and psycho-social support. You have helped us connect Ukrainians with qualified mental health professionals.
There are women like Elena, who had been in abusive marriages prior to the invasion, and only found the necessary mix of courage and desperation to flee from their homes and husbands when the war came. For others, like Inna, the domestic violence did not begin until after her husband returned home, traumatized by the war. And some fortunate few, like Oksana, did not experience domestic violence at all but still suffered from the tragic losses and traumas inflicted upon the Ukrainian people.

But ADRA’s supporters have helped to provide Ukrainians with access to professional psychologists. With ongoing counselling, many of these survivors have been able to find renewed purpose and vision for their lives. Oksana’s family continues to have group therapy where she, her husband, and her children can process and heal from the trauma of the war. Elena, once trapped within an abusive marriage, has paradoxically discovered her sense of self-esteem, dignity, and joy for the first time during wartime displacement. And Inna has found support from her psychologist, to help her process both the war and her divorce from her abusive husband.
The resilience of the Ukrainian people continues to be inspiring, even as their circumstances continue to be horrifying. The situation is certainly far from over, and healing may still be a long journey for many Ukrainians. But collectively, they have extended a thorough and genuine “Thank you!” to ADRA’s supporters for making it possible to begin the long journey of healing.