Did you know that your dedicated contributions to ADRA transform lives for the better? Of course you did, but who doesn’t like to be shown how? Sometimes your compassionate support brings about positive change through items like tools, seeds, and medical equipment. Other times, your impact is less tangible but no less powerful.
You believe, along with us, that every life is inherently valuable. It’s imperative to protect the vulnerable, empower them to stand up for themselves, and to shape communities where all enjoy their human rights.

You’re accomplishing this around the world. Your support enables initiatives like ColMEL. This is a training program that equips communities with the knowledge and tools they need to address challenges in their communities and find their own solutions.
A persisting injustice is violence against women and children. Your support of our Where Needed Most Fund enables CoLMEL to work alongside communities as they address this critical issue. ColMEL assists communities in caring for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), as well as preventing continued violence. It captures data through surveys, maps information, and assists in case management. It also brings the community together to strategize solutions.
Though ColMEL is intangible, it is sustainable. It puts knowledge and power in community hands, assets that endure beyond the project. Your support is reaching today’s survivors of SGBV and protecting future generations from harm. Thank you for your part in making this work possible!